Restrict user to single app on Windows

24 Nov 2016

Let’s say you have a requirement, that in the production environment, the user should be restricted to access only the Windows desktop application you provide. The user shouldn’t be able to open i.e. a browser or change any system settings or access the task manager. This kind of functionality is referred to many times as kiosk mode. (I.e. Google Chrome has a built in kiosk mode, which can restrict the user by starting it with the command line argument: –kiosk)

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One way to achieve this is to modify system settings from your application (like modifying registry entries, hiding task bar, etc.). Which can be pretty tricky and the solution doesn’t seem very robust.

In my opinion a much better way to achieve this is to configure a specific Windows user account, where:

Luckily this is not a complicated task at all. The task manager can be disabled, by setting one registry entry (you can find an article, how to edit registry entries of another user):

    HKEY_USERS\ HKEY_[name of the user]_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
    Create DisableTaskMgr dword value under System key -> Set the value to 1

One possible solution to disable the task bar and also make the application start on login is to replace the default shell application (explorer.exe) with your application.

So the only requirement left is to log out the user after the app closes. The best way I’ve found for this is to use a small vbs script, which

If you set this script as the shell application, all of the mentioned requirements are set:

    HKEY_USERS\ HKEY_[name of the user]_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
    c:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe d:\logoffAfterClosed.vbs d:\MyDesktopApp.exe

I’ve tried this solution on Windows 7, but it should work on other Windows operating systems too.

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